L i t e r a t u r e
Vier Gedichte, «Signaturen-Magazin», Kristian E. Kühn editor, July 22, 2024.
(sequence to) trace the origin of sleep / 追踪睡眠的起源, tr. by Zhang Ning, «Poetry Hall», Yingcai Xu editor, issue 24, June, 2024.
Deu poemes de Lettere d’Amore a Peter Rabbit, trad. Marta Vilardaga, Josep Porcar, «Reduccions», directed by Francesc Codina Calls, n.119, Primavera – Estiu 2023.
carbon offset sweetener, «Maintenant», Three Room Press, Kat Georges, Peter Carlaftes editors, n.16, 2022.
Profilo minore, «Stadtsprachen Magazin», Birger Hoyer, Chiara Schimpe, Joey Bahlsen editors, n.22, 2022.
Maß des Schlafes (und andere verbovisuelle Forschungen), drei Gedichte, «Worte & Welten», Aftab Husain Shah, Sarita Jenamani editors, Winter Issue, 2022.
L’intero della neve, «Osiris», Andrea Moorhead editor, n.93, 2021.
Warten auf God, «Streetcake Magazine», Nikki Dudley, Trini Decombe editors, issue 74, 2021.
Berlin n.3/柏林其三, «诗殿堂 / Poetry Hall», Tr. by Zihan Zhang/张紫涵译, Sylvia Cavanaugh editor, issue 10, December 31, 2020.
The darkening tree, «The Manhattan Review», Philip Fried editor, vol. 19, n.2, 2020.
About to scream from The Wall Street Transcript, «Yes Poetry», Joanna C. Valente editor, December 29, 2020.
Excerpts from Profilo Minore and Stanze dei non risorti, «Smeriliana», Enrico D’Angelo editor, n. 23, 2020.
Nachtblatt einiger Stunden, «Worte & Welten», Aftab Husain Shah, Sarita Jenamani editors, Spring Issue, 2020.
Two Estuaries, «Nine Muses Poetry», Annest Gwilym editor, May 18, 2020.
Observations about winter in Narbona, «Deep Wild Journal: Writing from the Backcountry», Heidi Blankenship editor, n.2, 2020.
Ein Meter Seil brennt drei Stunden (rapido precipitando), «Private», February 25, 2020.
The place, «Private», February 14, 2020.
[it] indicates that, «THAT Literary Review», Joyce Kelly editor, Department of English, Auburn University at Montgomery, issue 5, 2020.
Still life 1 & 5, «Bombay Gin», Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa University, n.45, 2020.
Il fornaio di Voze, «Digressioni», Cinzia Agrizzi, Davide De Lucca, Christina Lee editors, n.13 – Spiriti, 2020.
A birch in the black air, «Lumina», Sarah Lawrence College, Casey Haymes, Rola Younes editors, n.18, 2019.
End-Zone Poems, «Meniscus», Paul Munden, Andrew Melorose editors, volume 7, issue 2, 2019.
Boschi su fondo bianco, «Il Segnale», Gianluca Bocchinfuso editor, n.114, 2019.
The Beast, «Poet Lore», B.J. Love, Emily Holland editors, volume 114 n.3/4, Fall/Winter 2019.
Estuary poem, «Inlandia», Inlandia Insitute, Lavina Blossom editor, volume 10, Fall 2019.
Three lost poems, «Tilde», Josh Dale, Tara Tomaino editors, issue 4, 2019.
Schneesamen, «Stadtprachen Magazin», Joey Bahlsen, Birger Hoyer, Martin Jankowski editors, n.11, 2019.
Stanzas of the empty woods, Elegies for lunch, 4th Elegy, in «Outlook Springs», Jayce Russell, Andrew Mitchell editors, issue 6, 2019.
In the empty woods, «Allegro Poetry», Sally Long editor, n.22, September 2019.
Prey, «Castabout Lit», Taylor Hilgart, Nathan Ray Dantoin editors, volume 2, 2019.
E-IS, «Nokturno.fi», Virpi Vairinen editor, n.4, 2019.
The waste wall, November 1961, Nassau Review Poetry Award 2019, «The Nassau Review», NCC editors, May 2019.
Sit at the outer hedge of time, «Allegro Poetry», Sally Long editor, n.20, March 2019.
XLVI, «Private», February 21, 2019.
Sill life n.2, «Lily Poetry Review», Eileen Cleary editor, February 2019.
Alter Krieg, «Stadtsprachen Magazin», Joey Bahlsen, Birger Hoyer, Martin Jankowski editors, n.8, 2018.
December 2018 Poet of the Month, «Yes Poetry», Joanna C. Valente editor, 2018.
Extra Passwords, «Trafika Europe», PennState University Libraries, Clayton McKee, Andrew Singer editors, n.14, 2018.
Mrogn, «Nazione Indiana», Francesca Matteoni editor, September 5, 2018.
Two stuffed texts: an experiment with T. S. Eliot’s “Hollow men”, «Ex-Ex-Lit», Volodymyr Bilyk, Bil Sabab editors, August 29, 2018.
The Seventh Seal, in The Film Issue, «Magma Poetry», Cheryl Moskowitz, Stav Poleg editors, n.71, 2018.
Cibolo Creek n.1, «Texas Poetry Calendar», 2018/2019.
Fear of the empty closets, «Bones», Journal of contemporary haiku, Aditya Bahl, Melissa Allen, Johannes S.H. Bjerg editors, n.15, 2018.
Diario di alcune ore della notte, foreword by Mara Cini, «Carte nel Vento», Ranieri Teti editor, n.38, 2018.
Nachtblatt einiger Stunden, «Stadtsprachen Magazin», Joey Bahlsen, Birger Hoyer, Martin Jankowski editors, n.4, 2017.
Tabula rasa, The white calf sleep, «Raum», Loll Junggeburth editor, volume 1, issue 4, 2017.
The pause of the wake, «Stadtsprachen Magazin», Joey Bahlsen, Birger Hoyer, Martin Jankowski editors, n.2, 2017.
Dunkelwort, «Stadtprachen Magazin», Joey Bahlsen, Birger Hoyer, Martin Jankowski editors, n.1, 2017.
Parabellum, «Poetarum Silva», Gianni Montieri editor, 28/11/2017.
Symmetry breaking
, Editor’s pick in «The Unrorean», Devin McGuire editor, XV, n.2, 2016.
Time in four movements
A pause
), «Sand», Lyz Pfister editor, n.10, 2014.
Requiem auf einer Stele, «Ditch», John C. Goodman editor, March 16, 2013.
13 movimenti rapidi
«Ulisse» n.16
, 2013; on «Nazione Indiana», Andrea Raos curator, July 13, 2011.
, curated by «Poesia 2.0» editorial staff, 2012.
Phallus Dei, «Maintenant 3», New York Dada Poetry Salon, Kat Georges editor, 2009.
Breakfast tea
, «Conversation Poetry Quarterly», David Nettleingham editor, n.6, 2009.
Canto Fermo (XXVII-XXXI),
«Ulisse» n.12
, 2009.
L’opera racchiusa, «Il Foglio Clandestino», Gilberto Gavioli editor, n.68, 2009.
Profilo minore, with an essay by Luigi Metropoli, Leggere variazioni di rotta, Le Voci della Luna, Sasso Marconi 2008.
The old stager
Scarecrow peasant
, «Conversation Poetry Quarterly», David Nettleingham editor, n.5, 2008.
Schemi dell’ombra, Le betulle nane, «PaginaZero», 2008.
Ab-surd, Extra pabula, «Private», n.37, 2007.
V i s u a l
Constant weights about the signs, «The Headlight Review», Kennesaw State University, Kurt Milberger editor, volume 3 n.1, 2025.
Featured artist with (other) notions, «Isele Magazine», Tracy Haught editor, December, 2024.
[Q]uantum [D]ots, «Tokyo Poetry Journal», Zoria Petkoska K. editor, English Department – Daito Bunka University, volume 15: Visionary Poetry, 2024.
A Zero-Point Writing?, «Private», September 16, 2024.
Five Asemic Concrete Pieces, «Asemic Front 2», Sloan De Villo editor, September 12, 2024.
Featured artist with A Zero-Point Writing? on «LandArch», London, September 11, 2024.
Notions (about the object under investigation), «Sleepingfish» XX anniversary issue, Derek White, Garielle Lutz editors, 2024, ISBN 9781940853208.
Disappearing Music, «Reunion: The Dallas Review» volume 12, Kriss Kirk editor, Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology, 2024.
Objects under investigation, «Nokturno.fi», [EN], [FI], Elina Sallinen editor, n.3, 2023.
Stanzas of Meditation, showcased @ la vetrina, «minima | poesia», October 2023 – March 2024.
Insects are poetic in themselves, Fossil-leaf script, «Superpresent», Duncan Forbes editor, volume 3, n.4, Fall 2023.
(four pieces), «ctrl + v», Hannah Rego, Ben Still, Frances Linehan editors, n.13, Summer 2023.
3 image-texts, «Diagram», Ander Monson editor, University of Arizona, n.23.3, 2023.
Sorting out some threads, «Arteidolia», Randee Silv editor, n.19, June 2023.
Excerpts from Facsimile of The Waste Land, «L=Y=R=A», Jacob Ahana-Laba editor, issue 1, April 2023.
Smell of a desiccated thing, A word and a universe, «The Ignatian Literary Magazine», University of San Francisco, Fall Issue, 2022.
Workbook of the universe (how to split the universe up into addends), «CIVICO 23», n.3, 2022. Full project on «Research Catalogue».
Few nanoseconds before the text undergoes asemic fission (Atomkellermuseum Haigerloch, September 2022), «Cutbow Quarterly», Arden Hunter editor, issue 2, 2022.
Dredging up old memories, How to recover a clustered poem, «minima | poesia», n.2, 2022.
Someone is behind this construction, Sorting out some threads, Gedichtzu, Clavier à lumières, Void, featured artist on «The Indianapolis Review», Natalie Solmer editor, issue 22, Fall 2022.
A pool among the rock (voices from), Sometimes something to read, Echoes from the exhausted well, Das Leben, Das Sterben, «Dream Pop!», Isobel O’Hare, Carleen Tibbetts editors, August 9, 2022.
(th)inking, dead data across transducers, carta nautica del naufragio, «Superpresent», David McClain editor, volume 2, issue 3, Summer 2022.
Lines from a dying star, Dunkelight, «Blood Orange Review», Bryan Fry editor, Washington State University, 2022.
The wood as asemic device, «Asemica» n.1, Giuseppe Calandriello curator, with an essay by Cecilia Bello Minciacchi, 2022.
Catalogue of sparse stars, «Penumbra», Hannah Neeley, Jarred White editors, California State University Stanislaus, Spring issue, 2022.
Investigation (of empirical tendencies), «Jenny», Steven Caumo editor, Youngstown State University’s Student Literary Arts Association, issue 20, Spring 2022.
Cantor’s Rose, «Permafrost Magazine», Daryl Farmer, Michael Kay, Alison Mille editors, 2022.
Ten Olivetti Tables, «Zeta|Esse», Codici project, Zeta|Esse editorial staff, 2022.
Miniature Tone, So the Midnight Bird Sings, Rhymes for a Prepared Poem, «Poemeleon», Cati Porter editor, 2022.
Motherboards, «Barzakh Magazine», Christy O’Callaghan editor, issue 14, 2022.
Black Old Suns, «Coffin Bell», volume 4, issue 4, 2021.
Nights on the Highway, «Asemic Front 2», Sloan De Villo editor, September 29, 2021.
Whispers in a summer meadow, Noise while searching for the word, «Phantom Kangaroo», Claudia Dawson editor, issue 25, October 13, 2021.
Not to be found, «Whimsical: A Journal of Contemporary Art», Sara Altman editor, August/September 2021.
Updates for dead machines, «Sleepingfish», Derek White editor, July 13, 2021.
Wind on a magnetic table, «No Tokens», T Kira Madden editor, issue 10, 2021.
5 texts, «Diagram», Ander Monson editor, University of Arizona, n.21.2, 2021.
Wie es sich /As it is, Next to the next person’s breathing, Staub, Thoughts without words never to heaven go, «Ós Pressan», Lára Kristín Sturludóttir editor, n.5, 2021.
On the wave nature of time, BAU 17, limited edition curated by Vittore Baroni, Antonino Bove, Marco Maffei and Antonella Serafini, Viareggio 2021.
Selected pieces from Transcript from demagnetized tapes on «The New Post-literate», Michael Jacobson editor, March 16, 2021.
Five FFT (Fast Found Textures), «Spam», Denise Bonetti editor, n.2, 2021.
Mappe dalla città asemica, «Digressioni», Cinzia Agrizzi, Davide De Lucca, Christina Lee editors, n.16 – Mappe, 2020.
breath_dada_death, in ABC – avantgarde-boot-camp, «Perspektive», Sylvia Egger editor, 2020.
ISBN, «Maintenant», Three Room Press, Kat Georges, Peter Carlaftes editors, n.14, 2020.
Asemic and concrete pieces, «The Shanghai Literary Review», Alexandre Gobin editor, n.6, 2020.
How to recover a clustered poem, Oeil, «Freshwater Review», The College of St. Scholastica editors, n.23, 2020.
Notes on four documents to find, «Welter», University of Baltimore, n.54, 2020.
Chronotope, «Tuli & Savu», Postitaide issue, Juha-Pekka Kilpiö, Reetta Pekkanen, Riikka Simpura editors, 2020.
Requiem, «Tiny Spoon», C. M. Chady, Stephanie Hempel editors, issue 4, 2020.
Asemic/Concrete Vispos, «Stadtsprachen Magazin», Joey Bahlsen, Birger Hoyer, Martin Jankowski editors, n.13, 2020.
Four Pieces, «A-Minor», January issue, Nicolette Wong, Eryk Wenziak, Ariel Berry editors, 2020.
Ding an sich, «Unknown Quantities», Ma Culture, Criticism and Curation, and MA Graphic Communication Design at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts of London, n.7, 2020.
Song of the blue bird, The kinetics of text, This text was intentionally left blank, «Metonym Journal», William Jessup University, n.10, 2020.
Canto CXVII, «Asemic Front 2», Sloan De Villo editor, January 20, 2020.
Three pieces, «Anthology of the mad ones», Weasel editor, n.8, 2020.
Feuer, back cover of «Stonecoast Review», University of Southern Maine, Delaney S. Saul editor, n.12, 2020.
Lautgedicht n.3, «Tule Review», Heather Judy art director, 2020.
Terre Alte, «Digressioni», Cinzia Agrizzi, Davide De Lucca, Christina Lee editors, n.13 – Spiriti, 2020.
Five paintings, «Superstition Review», Patricia Colleen Murphy editor, Arizona State University, issue 24, 2019.
Asemic city underground map, To begin a poem with, «Riza», Ava Balis editor, 2019.
7 asemic/concrete tables, «The Journal», Ohio State University, Morgan Fox editor, n.43.4, 2019.
Sedimental cantos, «Utsanga», Francesco Aprile editor, n.21, 2019.
Loops, «Gasher», Whitney Kerutis editor, Summer, 2019.
S.F., Sound landscape on an early spring day, «Jelly Bucket», Bluegrass Writers Studio at Eastern Kentucky University, Leslie Scheuler, Regina Jakulis Szabo editors, n.9, 2019.
Concrete trenches, «ToCall», Petra Schulze-Wollgast (psw) editor, n.5, 2019. buy
Notes on a found texture, Random access memory, «Stonecrop», Dave Nicholas editor, College of Westerm Idaho, Spring, n.2, 2019.
Quantum Textfield 4, «Stoneboat», Signe Jorgenson, Lisa Vihos, Jim Giese, Rob Pockat editors, Spring, 2019.
Asemic B-Sides, «Brave New Word», Bil Sabab editor, n.14.5, 2019.
Four canvas and Four pieces for a Winter Concert, «Letters Journal», Emily Wing editor, Spring, 2019.
Asemic Documents, «The Scriblerus», Greenville University, Spring Issue, 2019.
Dredging up old memories, «NationalPoetryMonth.ca», Amanda Earl editor, April 13, 2019.
Asemic Writing, «Roanoke Review», Mary Crockett Hill editor, February 1, 2019.
Three Pieces, «A-Minor», Nicolette Wong, Ariel Berry, Eryk Wenziak editors, n.17, 2019.
Seven concrete/asemic tables, «Frequenze Poetiche», Giorgio Moio director, January 30, 2019.
The bridge of the dead, oil on canvas, «The Stirling Spoon», Riley Baker, Hannah Han editors, Issue 2, 2019.
Studies on asemic interferences on (and within) concrete structures, «The Operating System», Kenning JP García editor, January 10, 2019.
La petite promenade, Hollow Men, «Typehouse Literary Magazine», Val Gryphin, John Koch editors, volume 6 n.1, Issue 16, 2019.
Picking up the stems in the woods, «Unstamatic Magazine», January 5, 2019.
Wolkenzug, Breadth digit, «Sand», Ruhi Amin editor, n.18, 2018.
Asemic gouaches (and other tables), «Watershed Review», Sarah Pape editor, California State University, Fall Issue, 2018.
Zang Tomb Tomb – Filippo Tommaso Marinetti remixed, «Utsanga», Francesco Aprile editor, n.18, 2018.
A winter concert, «The Raw Art Review», Fall, 2018.
When the thermostat’s low by Emma Depanise and From outer freedom by Federico Federici, «Arkana», Cassie Hayes editor, n.5, 2018.
Debris by Cindy Bradley and Studies on asemic interferences on (and within) concrete structures by Federico Federici, «Memoir Magazine», Mary McBeth editor, November 17, 2018.
Il grado zero della scrittura asemica, «Zeta|Esse», Nodi project, Zeta|Esse editorial staff, 2018.
Debugging, «Koan» Clara Davis, Victoria Johnson editors, n.1, 2018.
3 diffractions (behind one text), «Luuwa», Francesco Aprile editor, n.3, 2018.
Dismantled Documents, Penteract Press, Anthony Etherin, Clara Daneri editors, 2018.
Micro Asemic Film 4, «Gone Lawn», Owen Kaelan, Beth Gordon editors, n.30, 2018.
Textual pieces, «Out of Nowhere», Robin Tomens editor, 2018.
Three visual texts, «Asemics Magazine», Cecil Touchon editor, August 1, 2018.
Four Visuals, «Otoliths», Mark Young editor, n.50, 2018.
Hinter dem Nebel, der Berg/ Hinter dem Gedanken, Gedachtes, «The New Post-Literate», Michael Jacobson editor, July 22, 2018.
2 Asemic Works, «The New Post-Literate», Michael Jacobson editor, July 3, 2018.
Four Pieces, «Brave New Word», Bil Sabab editor, n.10 pt.2, 2018.
Asemic Scattering, «Riggwelter», Amy Kinsman editor, n.10, 2018.
22 shortest pieces, «Abstract Magazine», JL Jacobs editor, May 28, 2018.
Concrete Pieces, «New Plains Review», English Department, University of Central Oklahoma, Spring, 2018.
Dead Machine Board pt. 2-3-5, «Internet Void», Collection 1, 2018.
Studies on asemic interferences on/within concrete structures, «Obra/Artifact», Stetson University’s Low-Residency MFA of the Americas, n.5, 2018.
Asemic and concrete texts, «Meat for Tea»: Hemp, XII, n.1, Elizabeth MacDuffie editor, 2018.
Caged Alphabet and Asemic Force Microscopy – In vivo text scanning, «Nokturno.fi», Virpi Vairinen editor, n.2, 2018.
Five new asemic concrete compositions, «Asemic Front», Sloan De Villo editor, March 9, 2018.
The first line of dark(ness), «The New Post-Literate», Michael Jacobson editor, February 28, 2018.
Asemic-concrete text hybrids, «Asemic Front», Sloan De Villo editor, February 4, 2018.
Der Plan der asemischen Stadt, «Otoliths», Mark Young editor, n.48, 2018.
Disturbed X-scape, «Riggwelter», Amy Kinsman editor, n.6, 2018.
Five Visuals, «AOM», Drew B. David editor, n.2, 2018.
Beyond the Standard Model, «The Hunger», n.1, 2018.
Da ist der Waldrand, «A5 Magazine», n.8, 2017.
Wet poem, «Sheepshead Review», n.40, 2017.
A letter to Jeanne Hébuterne, Three ladders far from the Moon, Motherland n.13, Motherland n.23, «Counterclock», n.1, 2017.
Caged alphabets, «3:AM Magazine», The poem brut #13, SJ Fowler editor, 2017.
Four Pieces, «A-Minor», n.2, Nicolette Wong, Eryk Wenziak, Ariel Berry editors, 2017.
Berliner Variationen nach “Four Works”, «Utsanga», within the Utsanga remix rampage project edited by Volodymyr Bilyk, n.13, 2017.
Obscured by Alphabets, «Otoliths», Mark Young editor, n.46, 2017.
Asemic Force Microscope, «The New Post-Literate», Michael Jacobson editor, July 3, 2017.
Five Works, «Asemic Front», Sloan De Villo editor, June 13, 2017.
6 Asemic Scores, «Brave New Word», Bil Sabab editor, n.5, 2017.
Obscured by Alphabets, «The New Post-Literate», Michael Jacobson editor, May 7, 2017.
Three asemic drafts,
«Zoomoozophone» n.8
, 2016.
Calligraph and Seismograph, «Utsanga», Francesco Aprile editor, n.5, 2015.
Someone not me, «The Adinorack Review», XVI, n.4, 2014.
vertebrae: 195, 237, 243, 254, «Broken Wine», n.1, 2012.
T r a n s l a t i o n
Gawley Pat, Eng-It,
«Ulisse» n.20
, 2017.
Bonney Sean, Eng-It,
«Ulisse» n.20
, 2017.
Turbina Nika, Rus-It,
«Ulisse» n.15
, 2012.
Turbina Nika, Rus-Eng, «Conversation Poetry Quarterly», 2012.
Arp Hans, Ger-It,
«Ulisse» n.14
, 2011.
Hobday Christopher/ Nettleingham David, Eng-It,
«Ulisse» n.14
, 2011.
Neri Giampiero, It-En, subtitles for
, a film by Alessandro and Valentino Ronchi, Treviglio Video/Poesia, 2009.
C r i t i c s
KEYS: aw (afterword) • le (literary essay) • fw (foreword) • br (book review)
(le) Notes (not only) on asemic phenomenology, «HERRI», Aryan Kaganof editor, Africa Open Institute, n.7, 2022.
Notes (not only) on asemic phenomenology
, updated, In the swarm, LN 2022, forthcoming.
Alphabets (seen in profile)
, updated, In the swarm, LN 2022, forthcoming.
A zero-point writing?
, updated, In the swarm, LN 2022, forthcoming.
(le) Alphabets (seen in profile) [updated], «Poemeleon», Cati Porter editor, 2022.
(fw) Touchon, Cecil:
The Cecil Touchon Asemic Reader
, Post-Asemic Press, Minneapolis 2019.
Alphabets (seen in profile)
, «Infinity’s Kitchen», n.10, 2019. ISBN 978-1795298803 buy
Asemic and Vispo theoretical papers
, Sloan De Villo, Federico Federici, SJ Fowler, Michael Jacobson, 2017-2018. buy
(le) Is asemic writing a Zero-Point writing?, «Asemics Magazine», Cecil Touchon curator, August 1, 2018.
A zero-point writing?
, «Utsanga», Francesco Aprile curator, n.15, 2018.
Appunti di fenomenologia asemica
, in Asemic Writing, Studi e scritture di Poesia Visiva Sperimentale n.1, curated by Francesco Aprile and Cristiano Caggiula, Archimuseo Adriano Accattino, Ivrea 2018.
(br) Rossi, Giancarlo:
Senza illusioni
, La Camera Verde, Roma 2015, «Le Monde Diplomatique – Il Manifesto», n.2, XXII, February, 2016.
(fw) Carraro, Andrea:
Questioni private
, Marco Saya, Milano 2013.
(fw) Krauspenhaar, Franz:
Biscotti selvaggi
, Marco Saya, Milano 2012.
(br) Cavallaro, Nicola/ Rizzatello, Luca:
Mano morta con dita
, Valentina Editrice, Padova 2012, «puntocritico», October 16, 2013.
(aw) Bux, Antonio:
, Oèdipus, Salerno/Milano 2013.
(br) Raos, Andrea:
Le api migratori
, Oèdipus, Salerno/Milano 2007, «puntocritico», April 9, 2012.
(fw) Hobday, Christopher/ Nettleingham, David:
Adage Adagio
, Polìmata, Roma 2011.
(aw) Guàtteri, Mariangela:
Stati di assedio
, Anterem, Verona 2011.
(br) Russel, Peter:
This is not my hour
, Il Foglio Clandestino, Milano 2010, in «Semicerchio. Rivista di poesia comparata», XLVII, 2013.
(br) Teti, Ranieri:
Entrata nel nero
, Kolibris, Ferrara 2011, «puntocritico», September 7, 2011.
(le) Federici, Federico:
All the letters of this alphabet - Nika Turbina
, «The Conversation Papers», n.1.2, 2011.
(fw) Bondarenko, Natalia:
Profanerie private
, Guarnerio, Udine 2010.
(br) Halmay, Petr:
L'impronta del tempo
, Il Foglio Clandestino, Milano 2007, «Atelier», n.54, XIV, 2009.
(fw) Turbina, Nika:
Sono pesi queste mie poesie
, Via Del Vento, Pistoia 2008.
(fw) Saxena, Rati:
One window eight bars
, Cantarena, Genova 2008.
(le) Federici, Federico: Una poesia senza eroe?, «PaginaZero», n.9, 2006.
(br) Bannikov, Dmitrij et al.:
La nuovissima poesia russa
, Torino, Einaudi 2005, «PaginaZero», n.8, 2005.
P h y s i c s
A. Diaspro, F. Federici, M. Faretta, C. Usai, Confocal Microscopy, Wiley Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering, chapter III, pp. 993—1000 (2006). Full
F. Federici, S. Scaglione, A. Diaspro, The state of the art in biological image analysis, Cell Biology, A Laboratory Handbook, edited by David M. Shotton, 3rd Edition, pp. 201-206, Elsevier Academic Press (2006). Full
S. Krol, M. Schneider, R. Magrassi, F. Federici, G. Vicidomini, A. Gliozzi, A. Diaspro, Nanocapsules: valuable tool for refinement of the microscope abstract FOM, Philadelphia (2004).
A. Esposito, F. Federici, C. Usai, F. Cannone, G. Chirico, M. Collini, A. Diaspro, Notes on Theory and Experimental Conditions Behind Two-Photon Excitation Microscopy, Microscopy Research Technique 63(1), pp. 12–17 (2004). Full
A. Diaspro, F. Federici, C. Viappiani, S. Krol, G. Chirico, F. Cannone, A. Gliozzi, Two-Photon Photolysis of 2-Nitrobenzaldehyde Monitored by Fluorescent-Labeled Nanocapsules, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107 (2003). Abstract | Full
D. Cavanna, F. Federici, S. Scaglione, A. Diaspro, Lo stato dell’arte nell’analisi di immagini biologiche, Biologi Italiani (2003).
A. Diaspro, F. Federici, S. Krol, G. Chirico, F. Cannone, C. Viappiani, A. Gliozzi, Nanocapsules as bulk system for fluorophores to monitor photolysis of o-Nitrobenzaldehyde proton cages under TPE, The Biophysical Society Meeting, FOM and INFM MEETING poster session (2003).
A. Diaspro, F. Federici, S. Krol, G. Chirico, F. Cannone, C. Viappiani, A. Gliozzi, Nanocapsules as bulk system for fluorophores to monitor photolysis of o-Nitrobenzaldehyde proton cages under TPE, submitted notes to The Biophysical Society Meeting (2003). Abstract
A. Diaspro, F. Federici, M. Robello, Influence of Refractive-Index Mismatch in High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Confocal Microscopy, Applied Optics-OT 41(4), pp. 685-690 (2002). Full
A. Diaspro, G. Chirico, F. Federici, F. Cannone, S. Beretta, M. Robello, Two-photon microscopy and spectroscopy based on a compact confocal scanning head, Journal of Biomedical Optics 6(3), 300-310 (2001). Full
F. Federici, A. Diaspro, M. Robello, Development of a compact device for switching from single photon to two photon excitation, INFM meeting, Roma 18-21 giugno (2001).
A. Diaspro, F. Pellistri, F. Federici, A. Gerbi, P. Ramoino, M. Robello, Evaluation of optical properties and micropatterning capabilities of a TPE microscope based on a compact confocal scanning head for biological applications, Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences 4262(1), in Ammasi Periasamy & Peter T. C. So, ed. SPIE, pp. 383-388 (2001).
A. Diaspro, F. Federici, A. Gerbi, F. Pellistri, M. Robello, Single and two-photon 3D microscopy: aberrations and photobleaching, poster in occasione della XV riunione scientifica plenaria della Società Italiana di Biofisica Pura e Applicata (SIBPA), Parma 23-25 ottobre 2000.
A. Diaspro, F. Pellistri, A. Gerbi, F. Federici, B. Barilà, M. Robello, Microscopia tridimensionale con eccitazione a due fotoni, in occasione del corso Tecniche microscopiche nello studio delle caratteristiche strutturali e funzionali delle cellule in coltura, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma 23-27 ottobre 2000.
A. Diaspro, S. Beretta, G. Chirico, F. Federici, F. Pellistri, F. Olivini, M. Robello, Architecture for two-photon microscopy and spectroscopy based on a confocal laser scanning unit: optical characteristics and applications, Micros. Res. Tech., invited (2000).