Asemic Force Microscopy - In vivo text scanning
Asemic link: ...
Caged Alphabets - A concrete poetry film
A concrete poetry film --------------------
Brief aus Treblinka - Jewish Museum Berlin (2018-2019)
"Brief aus Treblinka" by Federico Federici in "res.on.ant" by Mischa ...
Not a still frame n.1
The “Not a still frame” project addresses the procedure of ...
The “Not a still frame” project addresses the procedure of building/destroying memory debris within human brain, while exploring the subtle connections between eyes and brain.
If, according to Euclid's Elements, ...the solution of Heron's shortest distance problem is a straight line, the shortest path between any two moments is a seeming still frame.
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Clouds bugging
First attempt to record the whispers of clouds. If you've liked this, ...
Post-truth thrives on noise. When broadcast over different networks, ...
Post-truth thrives on noise. When broadcast over different networks, information warp, organize temporary encounters between disconnected facts, unveil new narratives while refusing to deliver a clear message. Out of the ...relational dimension incumbent upon the globalized world, the citizens of the infosphere are relieved of responsibility and pushed to support all stages of the breeding of truth, drawing from the often contradictory fragments spread by the search engines, to activate private connections and build a reputation as influencers before their fictitious audience.
This video is a speculation about the anatomy of noise, which in turn becomes the world of some unstable imaginary, where the tacit rules of propaganda and artifice tune an unprecedented representation of history, disjointed from time, where the words of A. N. Chamberlain intertwines with those of T. S. Eliot, at the end of history.
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9x5 Truths
Orwell's doublethink has nowadays turned into multiplethink and truth ...
Orwell's doublethink has nowadays turned into multiplethink and truth into the reassuring monomania of its theorization. Lie may reside in subtlest, repeated simplifications of reality: the peculiar but inconsistent formulations ...of the same statement slowly appropriate the good faith of a stuffed audience, leading it to believe that there exists some latent state of consciousness where truth and lie no longer seem contradictory.
If Andy Warhol's pop multiples establish, within a single work, a principle of equivalence between the original and a copy, while emphasizing some sort of demagogy of art, this video insists on the slightest lag between multiples reframed side by side, hinting at that tiny shift between truth and lie which keeps truth falsifiable, thus meaningful.
The emblematic character of Joseph Goebbels stands out, by extension, as a grotesque icon of post-truth on a dusty background noise, where a ravens' cry – Odin's harbingers – and one word (propaganda) only surface.
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Politique / Utopique
Further projects and details here: ...
Ezra Pound - Cantico del sole
Cantico del Sole (From Instigations, 1920) The thought of what America ...
Cantico del Sole (From Instigations, 1920)
The thought of what America would be like
If the Classics had a wide circulation
... Troubles my sleep,
The thought of what America,
The thought of what America,
The thought of what America would be like
If the Classics had a wide circulation
Troubles my sleep.
Nunc dimittis, now lettest thou thy servant,
Now lettest thou thy servant
Depart in peace.
The thought of what America,
The thought of what America,
The thought of what America would be like
If the Classics had a wide circulation...
Oh well!
It troubles my sleep.
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Concrete Poetry Scanner
Attempt to restore the meaning out of a scanned concrete poem. ...
Verdun - Zang Tomb Tomb
Based on an original war footage about the battle of Verdun (1916) and ...
My heartbeat in my father's chest
Further details are available here: ...
Asemic Writing - Liner notes for a Pithecanthropus Erectus sketchbook pt. 2
Liner notes for a Pithecanthropus Erectus sketchbook, Federico ...
Asemic writing - Liner notes for a Pithecanthropus Erectus sketchbook pt.1
Liner notes for a Pithecanthropus Erectus sketchbook, Federico ...
Asemic Dissemination - I
Asemic dissemination within urban abandoned places. Further details on ...
Asemic Plot n.1
Further details about me: Excerpts from my ...
Profilo Minore - Tentativo di pesare la luce
"Profilo Minore", curated by Andrea Cortellessa, Nino Aragno, Torino ...
"Profilo Minore", curated by Andrea Cortellessa, Nino Aragno, Torino 2021, ISBN 978-8893801331.
p. 28: tentativo di pesare la luce (Olivetti Studio 46 e carboncino su carta, 21×30 cm, 2018).
Beatrice Achille: audio ...e voce
Federico Federici: video[+] Mostra di più
Workbook of the universe (how to split the universe up into addends)
Full project, videos & installation: 1) ...
Full project, videos & installation:
What is energy? If no one asks me, I know: if I wish to explain it to one who asks me, I no longer ...know. Indeed, nothing concrete. A principle governs Nature: the universe is a number split up into tinier and tinier addends recombined or reordered according to a complex of interactions. No exception to this law is known. Following the procedure in the caption, the artist is invited to an experiment with this, collecting energy frames from a burning pinus nigra needle. A number of variations on the flame primordial hieroglyph will efface the material space of writing and found the alphabet of the fire. Paper will no longer be the site where the sign resides, but what the sign must breach. Each sign will depend on the angle of the sheet to the flame which, in turn, will be affected by a series of more or less hidden variables related to the tree of origin (size, age, desiccation, soil properties etc.). While all of these factors impinge upon the integrity and stability of the alphabet, the amount of energy released during the combustion will, to some degree, get stored in and be proportional to the number of sheets used. The fire, split into signs, will set itself as a thread between what is burning and what is about to burn, between the thought thing and the one to write. The very idea of writing will once again get reified, although no one really knows what energy is.
First released in «CIVICO 23», n.3, 2022.[+] Mostra di più
Language to [dis]cover the page - Kunsttempel, Kassel
„THIS IS IT“, Sprachkunst von Arnold Dreyblatt, Federico Federici, ...
„THIS IS IT“, Sprachkunst von Arnold Dreyblatt, Federico Federici, Nauka Kirschner; Dr. Friedrich W. Block curator, Kunsttempel, Kassel, 19/10-19/11/2023.
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The relational structure is the true essence of ...the textual medium and includes the metric set by the printed, painted, typewritten, handwritten, generative and so forth signs combined with a variety of materials (papers, cardboards, plastic sheets, glues et cetera) which potentially enrich and further complicate the linguistic stack.
Both the ‘writer’ and the ‘reader’ operate at an experimental level: the writer sets up the experiment, collects some preliminary data and the reader interprets them. But the ‘writer’ is, in turn, a ‘reader’, possibly the first and his role is rather delicate since, in the asemic field, he must avoid to disturb signs with too much of consciousness. His consciousness is to be analytical right before and at the end of the process, not so much in the making of it sign-by-sign, not as a word-by-word writing.
Asemic works evoke interference patterns, extended fields of sense, whose elements of signification are not word-situated. They are seats of signs that reinvent or conceal their meaningfulness to deliver it into new contexts.
The combination of words and asemic signs presents a further degree of complexity since the linearity, first of writing then of reading, is faced with the nonlinearity of vision. The interaction between strings of words or full sentences and asemic components doubles the experience of a metric. The residual readability of the text with its metrical content and the metric space of the visual arrangement of both words and asemic signs add up and lead to a sort of hermeneutic pressure.
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‘the task is no longer to produce another instance of an art, but a new medium within it’ [S. Cavell] hence language is a medium of incorporation, of modification, of absorption, of abstraction and so forth.
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Downloads and further resources freely accessible here:
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"Workbook of the universe" installation here:[+] Mostra di più
THIS IS IT - Kunsttempel 2023
Sprachkunst von Arnold Dreyblatt, Federico Federici, Nauka Kirschner ...
Sprachkunst von Arnold Dreyblatt, Federico Federici, Nauka Kirschner
Kunsttempel, 19.10. bis 19.11.2023
Kunsttempel / Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 177 / 34119 Kassel /
Eröffnung: Donnerstag, 19. Oktober / 19 Uhr /
Gespräche mit und performative Beiträge von ...Arnold Dreyblatt, Federico Federici und Nauka Kirschner
Öffnungszeiten: Freitag bis Sonntag, 16 bis 19 Uhr, und nach Vereinbarung
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von: Kulturamt der Stadt Kassel, Hessisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst
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Über die Ausstellung
Arnold Dreyblatts visuelle Kunstwerke schaffen komplexe textuelle und räumliche Visualisierungen, die sich insbesondere mit Themen von Erinnerung und Archiv befassen. Im Kunsttempel präsentiert er zwei Arbeiten aus dem Feld seiner Spracharbeiten in Lentikular-Technik, die ihre vielschichtige Dynamik durch die körperliche wie auch lesende und betrachtende Bewegung des Publikums entfalten.
Federico Federicis visuelle Poesie bedient sich verschiedenster Medien – von Handschrift über Schreibmaschine bis zu Video und Installation. Konzeptgeleitet dringt sie – insofern auch ‚asemantisch‘ – weit über normale Bedeutungsfunktion von Sprache hinaus. Die der Physik vergleichbaren Experimente führen zu ästhetischen Ergebnissen, die so nur der Sprache und der Poesie eignen.
Nauka Kirschner arbeitet mit „Buchstaben außer Kontrolle“: In einem Upcycling-Prozess gestaltet sie ausgediente, gefundene Leuchtbuchstaben ehemaliger Reklamen und transformiert sie in neuen Konstellationen und Kontexten sowohl skulptural und installativ als auch fotografisch. Die Buchstaben wandern für neue Posen von Ort zu Ort – also auch in den Kunsttempel.
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Further details & projects:
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A genre of poetry displayed on a screen, distinguished by its time-based, poetic juxtaposition of images with text and sound. In the measured blending of these three elements, it produces in the viewer the realization of a poetic experience. Tom Konyves